GOP Rep. Gonzales Ditches Work To Join Musk Border’s Stunt

Rep. Tony Gonzales chose social media pics with Musk over continuing government services and paychecks to his constituents.

In case you missed it, South African immigrant Elon Musk dressed up like a Texas cowboy and filmed himself at the U.S. border, in yet another attempt to insert his dishonest, white-nationalist self into U.S. policy and politics.

From The Daily Beast:

The world’s richest man noted that he is an immigrant and that he believes the U.S. should have “a greatly expanded legal immigration system” with “expedited legal approval” for anyone “who is hardworking and honest and will be a contributor to the United States.” But, he said, there is now “a flow of people that is of such magnitude that it is actually leading to a collapse of social services.”

It’s not as if Musk is in any position to do anything to solve the border crisis. But you know who is? Rep. Gonzales. If Gonzales really cared about a collapse of social services, he would have stayed in Washington and focused on preventing the looming MAGA Republican shutdown. More from TDB:

Gonzales’ presence added nothing but dramatic effect to the billionaire's show. Never mind that the House has still not acted on the Biden administration’s request for $4 billion to address the crisis at the border. Never mind that the shutdown threatens to further disrupt the already overburdened immigration system, adding to the years-long backlog in the courts.

The Daily Beast also points out that Gonzalez could have easily come up with a social-media-friendly conversation with Musk from the Capitol and continued to do his job. Instead, taxpayers paid Gonzales to pretend to do his job, get a friendly interview on Fox News prime time, pretending something important was accomplished, while Gonzales’ constituents suffer the very real consequences of his doing nothing to solve the problem.

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