Local Anchor Not Surprised At 'Belligerent' Boebert's Behavior

The fact that Boebert embarrassed her constituents on home turf is a big deal.

9News anchor Kyle Clark is the same guy who caught controversial Congresswoman Lauren Boebert lying about her date to the musical Beetlejuice after getting a video of the incident. Grope-gate continues as Clark shreds Boebert for her lies, and that's something, as he said, that shocks no one. Her behavior didn't surprise the world. We've already seen her at work.

"Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's recent performance of sorts that got her thrown out of the theater in Denver was a lot of things," Clark said. "But it wasn't a surprise."

"I haven't seen a single person say why I am shocked that Lauren Boebert was rude, disruptive, and belligerent," he continued. "This is, after all, the Congresswoman who suggested that a Muslim colleague was a suicide bomber."

"I haven't seen anyone surprised that Boebert did not tell the truth about what happened because, I mean, days before, we just fact-checked her latest false claim about migrants," he said. "I haven't seen anyone say that it was out of character for the Congresswoman to appear to berate theater staff members who are just trying to do their jobs."

"Really, the only surprise in all of this is that Boebert, once she got caught, apologized and said that she didn't live up to her values," he continued. "What I mean, when Boebert didn't know that the cameras were watching, she was exactly who she is when she does know people are watching."

"Boebert reportedly asked the theater staff," he added. "Don't you know who I am? Yes, we do."

The lie about the migrants is cruel. Boebert falsely claimed the Biden administration was giving free airfare, free health care, and $2,200 a month to asylum seekers.

"If you come to this country illegally, you get everything handed to you on a silver platter," she said. "If you're a struggling American citizen, you get nothing. You actually just subsidize this foolishness."

Throw that on her mountain of lies. As American citizens, we have so much more than asylum seekers have. So much that they want to raise their children here, too. I've traveled extensively, and I know how fortunate we are to be born here. It's a shame that Boebert sees this country differently -- she sees it as a country that's not great.

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