Nancy Mace Smacks Down Matt Gaetz For Impeachment 'Window Dressing'

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) referred to a push to impeach President Joe Biden as "window dressing" by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and others.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) referred to a push to impeach President Joe Biden as "window dressing" by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and others.

"So there are two things on the Republicans' plate in the House come Tuesday," Fox News host Dagen McDowell told Mace on Sunday. "It's not just the impeachment inquiry, but also funding the government, a potential continuing resolution as you tackle the funding the government and the appropriations bills."

"I know that among the House Freedom Caucus, other conservatives have urged Speaker McCarthy to force deeper spending cuts, attach GOP priorities to any short or long-term bill that the likes of Matt Gaetz, he wants an impeachment inquiry," she continued. "Some people feel that the impeachment inquiry is being kind of dangled as a carrot, as a shiny object in order to get a just a continuing resolution pushed through. How does this play out in getting at least the government funded in the short run?"

But Mace threw cold water on impeachment.

"Well, impeachment is just window dressing," Mace replied. "It's not going to go anywhere. We need real spending cuts. We need real measures."

"I mean, and when we look at the potential for a government shutdown in the next couple of weeks, it'll happen before October, if it happens at all," she added. "That is a real risk right now. But a lot of folks on the right are going to want to blame Biden and Democrats on the left. But I got to tell you, we're here today because both sides, Republicans and Democrats, have spent into oblivion."

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