PragerU Founder: 'Left-Wing Jews Are Of No Help To Jewish People'

Unlike Evangelicals, Dennis?

PragerU co-founder Dennis Prager has opinions on "left-wing Jews."

This guy is taking taxpayer dollars in various red states to indoctrinate public school children. In this episode of his radio program, he's upset that El Dorado County, California, has called off "American Christian Heritage Month."

This county proclamation was rescinded after "local Jews, the American Civil Liberties Union, and others" threatened to sue under the California Constitution.

The proclamation clearly stated that "America is a Christian Nation." It was pushed by, you know, Dennis Prager-types. So Prager took offense.

DENNIS PRAGER (HOST): Well, as a Jew, let me say how embarrassed I am that there would be local Jews who came out against this. Aside from being, in my opinion, foolish because it does not state that America is a Christian nation any more than LGBT month affirms that America is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender nation. To honor something doesn't mean everybody in it is that. And there are more Christians, I strongly suspect, in El Dorado County, California than there are LGBTQ people. So why can't that be honored? Has Christianity not played a fundamentally positive role in creating America? Was it not Christians in Britain who abolished the slave trade, the first people on earth to do so? Is that not worth noting? Left-wing Jews are of no help to the Jewish people, aside from all the other awful things that they stand for. But it's true about left-wing everybody. Left-wing Christians, left-wing whites, left-wing liberals, left-wing Blacks, left-wing Hispanics - left-wing is damaging.

No, Dennis. The proclamation was rescinded by the person who initially proposed it, John Hindahl:

Supervisor John Hidahl, whose district encompasses El Dorado Hills and who initially brought the proclamation to the board on July 18, brought the motion to rescind Tuesday morning. “The intent of the proclamation was to recognize the importance of some of our religious heritage associated with July 4, 1776,” he said. But despite his good intentions, he said, the threat of litigation and public response caused him to walk the proclamation back. “The intent wasn’t accomplished, and when that doesn’t happen, electeds have a responsibility to reconsider.”

“It’s pretty simple,” Hidahl told The [Sacramento] Bee on Monday evening. “Proclamations in El Dorado County are meant to be ceremonial and celebrational (sic) ... when anything that is meant to be strictly ceremonial or celebrational creates more divisiveness within our communities in El Dorado County, then it’s appropriate to remove it.”

The proclamation clearly indicated that "America is a Christian nation" and the ACLU acted appropriately. Slavery in England was not mentioned.

Also not mentioned was the stance American evangelicals take, offering all Jews the opportunity to convert to Christianity or burn in hell as part of their rapture fantasy.

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