Sarah Palin On J6 Defendants: 'What’s The Use In Being A Good Guy?'
They aren't the good guys, you dork.
Former half-term Alaska Governor Sarah Palin still hasn't jumped off the Trump Train even though it's running out of tracks and a brick wall is ahead. You have to give her credit, though, for consistency. That woman is wrong about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
Newsmax host Eric Bolling said he was "blown away by these sentences. 15, 17, and 18 years for nonviolent crimes,” in reference to the lengthy prison sentences given to the recent Jan. 6 defendants.
"It’s so disheartening, the examples that you’ve given, Eric," she said. "It makes the populace lose a lot of faith in our government and that’s an understatement."
"Unfortunately, what this leads to, when we recognize the examples that you just gave, the two-tier different justice systems that apply according to politics, you know it makes the good guy think what’s the use in being a good guy," she continued. "We’re gonna be punished, you know, we’re picked on, is what we are under this system. But we can’t feel helpless and hopeless.
Wow, she really said, "We're picked on." Republicans have become the party of victimization. And, yeah, there is a two-tiered justice system, but not in the way she suggested. There are the rich, and typically white criminals who never see the inside of a jail cell. And then there's the rest of us.
Btw, is she in her backyard?