Tucker Carlson's Show Appears On Russian TV

Rossiya 24 began airing dubbed segments from Carlson's Twitter Show. Carlson denies any involvement.

Russians have long recognized how effective a propagandist Tucker Carlson is for them, so instead of merely putting up small clips they've taken his Twitter show and aired whole segments. Tucker Carlson denies any involvement. "When asked if he would ever consider partnering with Russian state TV, Carlson replied, "Of course not. I'm an American."'

Sure, buddy.

Source: BBC

Russian TV news channel Rossiya 24 has aired a trailer for a weekend show featuring former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson.

The state-run broadcaster did not make clear whether it will feature original content or be a translation of his regular English-language videos on X.

Carlson abruptly left Fox News in April where his populist conservative takes were renowned.

Rossiya 24 has not yet said when the show will air.

The advert, first shared earlier this month, aired again on 22 September with the words "on the weekend" but no further details.

In it Carlson is seen repeatedly saying the word "Russia" - in what appeared to be clips spliced together from earlier broadcasts - and concludes with footage of him saying the word "24".

This was accompanied by on-screen text reading: "The high-profile American presenter is moving to another level. Here."

And what did Carlson say about all this?

"I'd never ever heard of the TV channel before some reporter texted me about it this morning," he added.

When asked if he would ever consider partnering with Russian state TV, Carlson replied, "Of course not. I'm an American."

Here's their promo which came out earlier this month.

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