Ukraine Sends 'Kamikaze Tank' To Blow Hole In Front Line
“I would prefer to come back unharmed or die instantly. That is why I signed up right away when the commanders suggested this particular combat mission,” said vehicle mechanic Vasyl Dudynets.
The Ukrainians have adopted what appeared to be a daft Russian idea, outfitting old tanks as moving bombs, in order to break through entrenched front lines. In Russia's case, it hasn't achieved anything of note and they've just wasted some old tanks. However, Ukraine took a very old captured Russian T-62 tank and somehow made the preposterous idea work.
Source: Kyiv Post
A post on Facebook on Sunday, Sept. 10 by Yaroslav Halas, a member of Ukraine’s 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, tells how his unit delivered a massive blow against Russian forces thanks to the bravery of one man.
Vasyl Dudynets, a soldier serving as a vehicle mechanic with the brigade, volunteered to launch a captured enemy tank filled with explosives against Russian defenses in the Zaporizhzhia region, a tactic tried by the Russians with little success previously.
Ok, so sending a vehicle mechanic on an almost certain suicide mission with an old Russian tank loaded with 6 tons of explosives directly into the enemy's artillery fire going at a top speed of 30mph (50 kmh) doesn't sound like the best-laid plan ever, does it?
But then it worked.
On the face of it, the strategy seemed simple enough. The captured tank was prepared for the operation by filling every available space with explosives and artillery shells. Dudynets would then drive the tank as close to the enemy lines as he could, before jumping out, retiring to a safe distance and then remotely detonating its deadly cargo.
Dudynets stopped just short of the defensive minefield in front of the enemy position, well within range of the enemy’s weapons, then leaped out and ran back to his own unit’s position before the payload was detonated.
According to the brigade’s press service: “The blast from the detonation was so effective that no one has disturbed our infantry from those positions ever since.”
And what did the Dudynets say about his mission? With characteristic Ukrainian modesty and razor-eyed focus, he said it was either going to work or he was going to die. No middle ground. And that clarity appealed to him.
When asked about the potentially suicidal mission, Dudyets said: “Naturally, I was fully aware that I might not make it back. It would have been instant death if the tank had been hit [by the enemy] and the explosives had gone off.
“I mean, it was clear – afterward I would either be alive or dead. This is not the case [in normal battle] when your arms and legs can be torn off, and then your wife or children have to help you around in a wheelchair and wait on you hand-and-foot.
“I would prefer to come back unharmed or die instantly. That is why I signed up right away when the commanders suggested this particular combat mission.”
He stressed that he had joined the army to fight Russians and said he was doing his bit so that the war could be “ended as soon as possible so that we could go home and raise our children.”