Former GOP Advisor: We Are Not A Party Fit For Governing

Brendan Buck, former communications advisor for John Boehner and Paul Ryan, says that the Republicans are more fit to be the party of the minority.

Brendan Buck, who served as communications advisor to for House Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan had some opinions about the current debacle going on with House Republicans:

We are not, right now, fit for governing. We are a party much more made for being in the minority. We like to vote against things. My whole issue with all of these folks is their problem is not really with the Speaker of the House. It wasn't with Kevin McCarthy. It wasn't with Paul Ryan or John Boehner. These guys just don't like the reality of governing.

Cue the mic drop.

The debacle in the House is just another example of what P.J. O'Rourke said, "The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it."

Unfortunately, with the crisis in the Middle East and a government shutdown still looming larger every day, we can ill afford the two bit bullshit artists.

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