Fox Promotes Glock-Toting Whackaloon Right After Telling Audience 'Don't Be A Hero!'

The hosts of Fox & Friends can't seem to decide whether they like vigilantism or not.

The hosts of Fox & Friends can't seem to decide whether they like vigilantism or not. During what was practically wall to wall coverage of the horrific mass shooting in Maine on their show this Thursday, they brought on a 23 year-old former right-wing Lewiston mayoral candidate named Joshua Pietrowicz, who discussed where he was during the horrific events the prior day with a very disturbing mix of religious zealotry along with gun worship.

EARHARDT: Hey Josh, I know that you were a candidate for mayor there. You love this area. Tell us what's going through your mind and what you're seeing there.

PIETROWICZ: Yeah, so guys, it's great to have you on. I appreciate it, obviously. Horrible circumstances being here today and this is probably the last reason we'd like to see Lewiston covered. I will say to you guys that, it really boils down to a public safety issue, and this is something Lewiston has battled as an image problem for many years. What we're looking at here is folks are simply, they're terrified, and have every right to be so.

We've had 29 homicides in the past year in the state of Maine, and I believe the death toll was over 22 deaths. This is something where we need to pray, read our Bibles and make sure our firearms are loaded if we're going to have, you know, any sense of peace to get through this.

We're doing the right thing sheltering in place, letting the authorities handle this, but it is certainly something where, I mean, this is just absolutely terrifying right now with what we're going through. And we just need to come through as a community and pray.

DOOCY: And Josh, you have stepped outside your house right now for better bandwidth so you could appear on the TV show.

PIETROWICZ: That's the only reason I'm outside now. I'm carrying right now as I'm out here. I'm on the corner of Summer and Whipple, but I've had pretty bad cell reception inside.

DOOCY: Indeed, so, we want you to be safe. Anyway, last night about the time the shooting started nearby where you were, naturally your phone died, but the one thing, to your credit, is you were actually carrying a gun. You have a constitutionally carrying a gun, and the people at the restaurant you were at, you helped walk out to their cars so they could be safe.

PIETROWICZ: Yeah. So I was picking up my to-go order at Longhorn. I'm a die hard regular there. My state runs on... my campaign runs on steak, I should say, and I was pick picking up my to-go order after pulling some signs, and I realized after the sixth ambulance that it might have been an active shooter situation, but my phone had died.

So I ran home and grabbed my Glock 45 before heading to Longhorn, just to be safe. And I had to get something for my grandmother over at Walmart, and once I started hearing of the news come in as I was at the Longhorn, I realized this was not something that I should be leaving.

My family is all out of state and safe at this moment, and away on a funeral and a vacation. So my priority was, my grandmother is locked safe away I know she's not going anywhere. These people I see every single day almost. I needed to make sure they get home safe, so, I could have left with my to-do order, but I stayed for about three hours making sure folks were walked out safely. And as far as I know everyone got home safe. We never had an incident. And once we had police presence, everyone felt a little more secure. So I started walking folks to their car in pairs of two.

JONES: Josh, what is the police presence like on the ground there?

PIETROWICZ: Well, I will tell you this: we had President Biden show up about a month or so ago, and this is absolutely double the police presence. We are seeing officers coming from far outside Androscoggin County. I heard reports that Bangor PD were on their way down last night, but as the situation turned around they were asked to turn around, to as not to overspread their resources. It has been an absolutely wonderful job by our boys in the blue to make sure that we figure this out and solve this, because this this type of issue should never happen here in Lewiston again, it has happened and we are going to do our best to solve it right now, and they need our full support.

KILMEADE: And your attitude shows you'd be a great public servant. You care about other people first.

Pietrowicz wrapped things by recommending a Bible verse for all of them to read so they're "not so anxious." What's comical is right around a half hour before this segment, Lawrence Jones was telling their audience "Don't try to be a hero" and that the guy was "well trained" and so people should call the police and not to try to "go after the guy" themselves.

Somehow he failed to bring that up while they were singing Pietrowicz's praises. Here's the earlier segment with Jones actually giving some sane advice, which it took them all of thirty minutes to contradict.

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