Glenn Grothman Suddenly Realizes The GOP Has No Plan B

Now Glenn Grothman wants access to Plan B after he was against it.

Representative Glenn Grothman was interviewed by Matt Smith of WISN-TV about the pickle that House Republicans put themselves in. Grothman was not happy about not having access to a Plan B:

Well, I think the first thing to point out is that these people who kicked out Kevin don't have a Plan B. You'll recall when John Boehner was kicked out about eight years ago, they had no Plan B, and it took about a month of begging Paul Ryan to take the job. Now, we're right in the middle of a budget hunt, we need a speaker so desperately. And the more I think about it, I don't think anybody else wants the job right now. The speaker is a very difficult job. I think it's about 110 hour a week job, running all over the country, not seeing your family, putting up with a bunch of, quite frankly, malcontents who blame you for their unhappiness.

It is rather ironic that Grothman is mewling about getting forced into an undesirable and very difficult position, against his will, without even a Plan B to help him get out of it.

This is the same guy who voted last year that women shouldn't be allowed access to emergency contraceptives, even if forced into a situation against their will, such as being raped. It appears to be another example of the Republican philosophy that they are immune to their own rules and laws.

And speaking of which, why haven't the GQP Fashion Police come after Grothman yet. For crying out loud, he looks like a used car salesman that slept off a bender in the back of one of the cars he's peddling.

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