WI Rep. Grothman Tries To Repeat A Lie Into Truth About Biden

Representative Glen Grothman Is shocked that they found proof that Biden's brother repaid him for a loan.

Representative Glenn Grothman took time away from his busy schedule of hitting all the fundraisers and festivals in his district in his eternal search for free food to be interviewed by renowned liar and MAGAt John Solomon. The topic du jour was the nonstory of Joe Biden's brother cutting him a check as repayment for a loan:

Solomon: Joe Biden’s story continues to crumble day in and day out. Your reaction to the latest news today, sir?

Grothman: It’s stunning. And what I can almost say, I was afraid we would find it, and we found it, a $200,000 check going to Joe Biden.
I mean, until now, Joe Biden could always claim, oh, the only people involved in this were my son, it was my brother, it was my other family members who wound up getting checks. Well, now we have a check to Joe himself for $200,000.. And I think we’ve got to ask some questions about this.It sure looks like he has been getting money laundered through his brother, or laundered through the family business that originated from countries abroad. And that’s just horrific, if it’s true. I’m sure the Biden people may be a little shocked to find out that we got it from looking for bank records. We’re going to have to see how they respond.

In case you missed it in the video, this is the "smoking gun" they are getting all worked up over:

Please note that the memo line is filled with "Loan repayment." Now, given the number of PPP loans that Republicans have stiffed the taxpayers on, I realize that they believe that paying one's debts is a fool's game. Fortunately, most people still have some sense of ethics and honor.

But if you look even closer, you'll see that the check was dated 2018. Biden wasn't in office in 2018. He wasn't even a candidate in 2018, much less the nominee. What crime was committed? Couldn't have been influence peddling. It couldn't have been bribery. And whoever heard of illegal money laundering being done with a check anyway. Leaving a paper trail would kind of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?

This is just Solomon and Grothman following the old Republican mantra of if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes the truth.

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