Hakeem Jeffries Punts On Whether Jim Jordan Is Fit To Be Speaker

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries dodged a question from CNN's Dana Bash on whether or not Jim Jordan, who Trump now supports, is fit to be Speaker of the House.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries dodged a question from CNN's Dana Bash on whether or not Jim Jordan, who Trump now supports, is fit to be Speaker of the House. He's not, but apparently Jeffries doesn't want to get in the middle of the chaos caucus fighting among themselves.

Bash asked Jeffries, given all that's going on in the rest of the world right now, "How big of a problem is this for America and globally?" that the House is frozen and can't respond to anything until they elect a new Speaker.

Jeffries responded that it was his "hope that our Republican colleagues get their act together, can settle on a speaker who can receive 217 votes and that we can move forward to get the business of the American people done," and reminded Bash that they've been willing to work with Republicans, as they've demonstrated when they delivered the majority of the votes needed to avoid both a government shutdown and default.

After questioning Jeffries on whether they've had any conversations with moderate Republicans, Bash moved onto the topic of whether Jim Jordan is fit to be speaker.

BASH: Leader Jeffries, President -- former President Trump endorsed Jim Jordan for speaker.

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney said -- quote -- "If the Republicans decide that Jim Jordan should be speaker of the House, there would be no longer -- there would no longer be any possible way to argue that a group elected Republicans could be counted on to defend the Constitution."

Do you think Jim Jordan is fit to be speaker?

JEFFRIES: Well, it's not my job at this moment to weigh in to the politics that are taking place in the House Republican Conference, other than to make clear that it's time for the GOP to end the Republican civil war, in order for us to be able to come together in an enlightened and bipartisan way to get things done for everyday Americans.

Good luck with that no matter who they finally end up electing. Republicans have absolutely no interest in governing.

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