Insurrectionist Riley June Williams In Hot Water Again
Riley June Williams, the woman who stole Nancy Pelosi's laptop, has to pay for defamation of her ex-boyfriend.
Riley June Williams, the insurrectionist who stole Nancy Pelosi's laptop, was arrested by the FBI within days of the insurrection. They were able to identify her and locate her because of a tip by her ex-boyfriend, Michael Prodanov. Williams was eventually tried and sentenced to three years in prison. But her legal problems didn't end there.
In retaliation for tipping off the FBI and a lame effort to evade capture, Williams had accused Prodanov of being abusive towards her, called him a stalker and even accused him of being a Russian agent. She even went to far as to seek a protective order against Prodanov.
Now, Williams has been ordered to pay Prodanov $50,000 for defamation:
But Williams tried to dodge accountability by publicly trashing the ex-boyfriend who tipped investigators to her identity — and for that, a New Jersey judge this week ordered her to pay ex-beau Michael Prodanov $50,000 in damages for defamation.
Superior Court Judge Douglas H. Hurd also ordered Williams’ friend Cyrus Sanders, who repeated her claims on Facebook, to pay $50,000 in damages for defamation, too. Neither Williams nor Sanders responded to Prodanov’s defamation lawsuit, and Hurd filed his default judgment on Monday.
Who says crime doesn't pay? Williams committed several crimes and now she's paying and paying some more, as she should.