John Oliver Does A Deep Dive Into The Powerful McKinsey & Co.

A lot of the information in here may be genuinely surprising to people out there, from the company’s list of former employees, to the discretion that they use.

So John Oliver took on McKinsey & Co. last night, the scandal-ridden consulting behemoth that has fingers in almost every significant American pie. (See what I did there?) Via the Matt & Jess blog:

For those who are unaware, McKinsey & Company has a rather lengthy history within the business world, working with government agencies and also with major brands like Coca-Cola and then also Best Buy. Sure, a management consulting company may not be the most exciting thing in the world, but Oliver does have a tendency to add a little bit of flair to everything, no?

While there was a lot of humor within this segment, a lot of the information in here may be genuinely surprising to people out there, from the company’s list of former employees to the discretion that they use. This honestly felt like a pretty evergreen segment for a show that prides itself (in the title, no less) on chronicling the past seven days of news. Yet, they’ve also strayed more and more from that over the past several years.

Despite how evergreen it may feel, you never know when a subject like this could matter down the road! It certainly could be a talking point if multiple former employees do end up in a Presidential race.

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