Michele Bachmann Suggests 'Woke' Israeli Agents Caused Hamas Attack

Bachmann also insisted “a spiritual demonic presence” caused the horrific attack on Israel.

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann proved in one 60-second clip that she’s as bats**t crazy as ever.

First, she repeatedly called the Hamas attack “demonic” and “not human.” Never mind that there are lots of videos of Hamas attackers who are clearly homo sapiens, even if “human” is too nice a word for them.

“What happened is, it is a spiritual demonic presence that has come in and taken over,” Bachmann added.

Next, Bachmann offered her completely unsubstantiated “thoughts” that liberals are behind the shocking intelligence failure that caused Israel to be caught unaware by the Hamas attack. “We have problems with wokeness in the United States and our government agencies,” she said. “It’s entirely possible that perhaps the intel services in Israel also had wokeness and decided not to pass the information along.”

Here on Earth One, there has been reporting, at least partially confirmed by U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, that Israel’s extreme right-wing government ignored repeated warnings by Egypt of the attack. But unlike Bachmann, I won’t speculate until all the facts are known.

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