Shorter Johnson: Whitewater Benghazi Solyndra Eat Your Heart Out
Mike Johnson is TOTALLY ready to impeach Biden for "reasons" people!
Shorter Johnson (yes, I will stoop to that): Whitewater Benghazi Solyndra Eat Your Heart Out.
They never learn, do they? Mike Johnson told Hannity (yeah) that OF COURSE the Republican House, with a minuscule margin of power, will impeach Joe Biden in 2024. I mean, it's not like they have anything else to do, amirite?
And don't forget that they have no evidence, and Mike here doesn't actually get how to bring a bill to the floor yet.
By the way, has he MET experienced-in-impeachments Dan Goldman and Jaime Raskin?
Never forget that the Republican impeachment of Democratic presidents is done to provide election-year content to Fox News and right-wing hate media. "Evidence" be damned. Emptywheel has it exactly right:
The mainstream press, however, so desperately wants a 2024 horserace that they'll ignore the evidence and focus on the "politics" of it all. But it looks like some nervous House Republicans may have second thoughts.
My take is the Republican House caucus has a deeply buried desire to be in the minority again, and their Freudian ids are going to get their wish.