Trump Leaked Nuclear Sub Secrets To Australian Businessman

And then the Mar-A-Lago member told at least 45 more people.

So! Donald Trump discussed classified information about American nuclear submarines and their capabilities with (you guessed it) a Mar-A-Lago member, Australian businessman Anthony Pratt.

Pratt then allegedly shared the information with more than a dozen foreign officials and a total of 45 different people. (By the way, Jack Smith's team has already interviewed Pratt.)

"Meanwhile, two sources tell the New York Times that Trump's disclosures potentially endangered the U.S. nuclear fleet. The businessman, Anthony Pratt, is a member at Mar-A-Lago who discussed the submarines with Trump in April, 2021. According to the Times, the former president revealed two pieces of critical information about the submarines' tactical capabilities, including how many nuclear warheads the vessels carried and how close they could get to their Russian counterparts without being detected," Mika Brzezinski said.

"At what point do people stop voting for somebody who helps the Russians?" Joe Scarborough said.

"They describe Trump's remarks to at least 45 other people, including six journalists, 11 of his company's employees, 10 Australian officials, and 3 former Australian prime ministers. Why didn't you just go on the Joe Rogan Show, dude? How damaging is this information outside the SCIF?"

Richard Haas said intelligence dealing with submarines is "among the most protected information just because of their importance to american strategic deterrence, to stability more broadly.

"So the idea that this kind of information was widely shared, this is the kind of stuff at a minimum, you strip people of their security clearances and at worst, you prosecute them. So this is just irresponsibility on steroids. In addition that gives potentially Russians all sorts of insights at the capabilities on our part, vulnerabilities on their part, and imagine you're a friendly government. Australia, Israel, others. What is the willingness to share sensitive information with us? This has a chilling effect on our ability to work with our allies and partners. At the same time, it's a gift to our adversaries," he said.

"You have to put this in context and say this was in April of 2021, which is when those boxes of classified documents were stuffed in every corner of Mar-A-Lago. In other words, not a one-off," Willie Geist said.

But. Her. Emails.

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