What A Bummer: Democrats Have Some Really Bad News For McCarthy

That's a shame.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal did not mince words when reporters asked whether Democrats would come to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's rescue as it seems he will need help from the other side of the aisle to keep the Speakership.

"We're standing behind our leader, Hakeem Jeffries," the Washington Democrat told reporters. "He is the person that should be Speaker of the House."

"And there is reason after reason to just let Republicans deal with their own problems," she said while running out of fucks to give. "I mean, let them wallow in their pigsty of incompetence and inability to govern. They are destroying our institutions."

Another reporter asked, "What does that mean?"

"We are not voting in any way that would help save Speaker McCarthy," she clarified.

"This does impact Democrats in a sense, right?" another reporter asked. "I mean, you guys are trying to fund the government. You're trying to pass the Farm Bill."

"This is not a Democratic problem," Jayapal said. "As much as anybody out here might want to make it a Democratic problem, this is not a Democratic problem. This is a Republican problem."

"They supposedly have the majority," she explained. "They should be able to pick their own Speaker. Our Speaker is Hakeem Jeffries."

"Nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy," she continued. "And why should we? He has broken his commitment over and over again. And it's not just the deal with President Biden. It's not just the Ukraine funding, which apparently was also a deal, but then it wasn't a deal on, you know, unless we secure the border."

"It's also going back to January 6th," Jayapal said. And I think for a lot of us, we were here. It is still deeply emotional for us because it is about our country. It's about why we came to Congress."

"And Kevin McCarthy stood on the House floor and said one thing and then talked to Donald Trump and immediately did something else," she added. "He has supported the insurrectionist president that enabled January 6th to happen and tried to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power. So there are a lot of reasons to not trust Kevin McCarthy."

Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries is not coming to McCarthy's aid.

Similarly, Rep. Adam Schiff, who McCarthy voted to take him off of his committee, is voting to oust McCarthy.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee earlier this year in a McCarthy-led effort, is voting to oust the Speaker.

Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine), who sometimes votes with Republicans, said he would vote to oust McCarthy.

There are two thoughts here. OK, they are my thoughts, but maybe others share them. I do not know. Who wants to help Kevin? Holy fuckballs, he's been a pain in everyone's butt. On the other hand, will they give someone worse the position? You know they will. Meh. But that's not our problem. Good luck keeping the House, guys!

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