Does Legalized Weed Hit The Same?
Does legalized weed give you the same high as before?
Sarah Silverman visits New York City and looks into the ramifications of legalized weed. Important issues such as does legalized weed have the same high as it did before? Unfortunately, she never really did answer that vital question. Everyone knows that the thrill of doing something that is not approved makes the experience all the better. The stolen candy bar is all the sweeter. The booze smuggled into a concert or sporting event is much more potent. So does pot in a state where it's not legal yet hit harder? This could be a vital question for states like Wisconsin. If the fact that it's not yet legal make it better, that could be a selling point. I could see it now - "Get a real high from our illegal pot." We could make a fortune as people flock to the state to buy our illegal pot. Or maybe it's just a pipe dream.
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