Ethics Committee Issues Scathing George Santos Report UPDATED

Yeah they actually found financial malfeasance, go figure.

Whoever in the world was "waiting for the Ethics Committee report" to oust George Santos? No longer has an excuse.

The full report is here and it's a doozy.

And his claims of innocence are lawn-mowered by the committee as well.

Representative Santos continues to flout his statutory financial disclosure obligations and has failed to correct countless errors and omissions in his past FD Statements, despite being repeatedly reminded by the ISC and the Committee of his requirement to do so.

The ISC also found that, despite his attempts to blame others for much of the misconduct, Representative Santos was a knowing and active participant in the wrongdoing. Particularly troubling was Representative Santos’ lack of candor during the investigation itself. At the outset of the review, Representative Santos was given an opportunity, pursuant to Committee Rule 17(b), to submit a signed written statement responding to the allegations raised in a complaint filed by his fellow Members; he did not do so. The ISC requested that he provide all documents and information responsive to its Request for Information; he did not do so. The ISC asked him to voluntarily testify; he did not do so. The ISC also provided him the opportunity, pursuant to Committee Rule 19(b)(3), to provide a statement under oath, but he did not do so.

Representative Santos’ repeated public statements that he would like to prove his innocence and is cooperating with the ISC’s investigation are belied by his consistent failure to meaningfully cooperate with the ISC’s review.

The ISC and the Committee have now completed their review of the allegations and charges and have amassed overwhelming evidence of his misconduct.

Waiting for the next excuse for why they shouldn't expel him. Something something criminal complaint. It's not clear how they can expel Santos from Congress for being in prison when they plan to elect a so-called president who may be incarcerated as well.

UPDATE: Santos not seeking re-election. And his tweet reads like a whiney little b*tch. Who is definitely going to jail.

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