Laura Ingraham's Panties In A Twist Over Obama's 'AI Policy'

If anything is going to get Laura Ingraham upset, it's Barack Obama existing.

This is not complicated. Joe Biden and Barack Obama served together in the White House for eight years. Obama knows a lot of tech bros and super smart AI experts. Also, he's a nerd. And Biden asked Obama to tap his network for ideas on how to formulate a policy on artificial intelligence, which Biden finalized and approved.

A different kind of "artificial intelligence" then emitted from the pie hole of one Laura Ingraham. Her panties get in a real twist any time she is reminded that Barack Obama, you know, exists.

Media Matters:

LAURA INGRAHAM (CO-HOST: We always assumed that Obama was still pulling some of the White House levers and we were right. In fact, he's been secretly crafting the administration's A.I. policy, Obama even helping to draft a new executive order on A.I. According to NBC News, Obama quietly advised the White House over the past five months on its strategy to address artificial intelligence, engaging behind the scenes with tech companies and holding Zoom meetings with top West Wing aides at President Biden's request.

Well, that begs the question -- what exactly is in it for Obama? Remember, his dream has always been to transform America and artificial intelligence may just be the best way to do it.

GFY, Laura! Artificial intelligence is going to transform the world, and the former nerd-in-chief is helping the current, free-and-fairly elected White House, set important guardrails.

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