‘Moms For Liberty’ Had A Very Bad Election Night
It turns out Americans really, really don’t want book banners running school districts.
In state after state, Moms for Liberty candidates and those endorsed by the censorship-loving group of fanatics lost their bids for school board seats. Wonkette summed it up perfectly:
Yesterday was particularly rough for candidates endorsed by “Moms for Liberty,” the White Christian Nationalist “parental rights” (for rightwing parents) group that wants to cleanse school libraries and curricula of books by/about LGBTQ+ people and people of color who aren’t Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell. Now that Americans are seeing what these loons want to do to public education, more and more communities are saying the hell with that.
In Pennsylvania, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina and even Loudoun County, Virginia, Wonkette detailed the numerous places where Americans said “Thanks, but no thanks” to the book-banning version of “liberty” and “yes” to educating students. That includes MfL’s Polk County “education chair,” who wanted criminal charges brought against her school district for “disseminating pornography” via two LGBTQ books in school libraries.
And yeah, I agree that this, along with Tuesday's other pro-democracy victories will never be reported as good news for Biden.