Ron Desantis Campaign Is Imploding, Which Probably Spells Trouble For Joe Biden
DeSantis staffers had to literally be restrained from physically attacking each other.

You know things are going GREAT on your campaign when your staffers have to be physically stopped from attacking each other. I mean, this is totally normal stuff, right?
Here is the story of a man named Ron DeSantis and his doomed political campaign. It is dying a slow and hilarious death. NBC is reporting that leaders of his unironically named super PAC called "Never Back Down" (I think they should rename themselves "slowly die a painful death") almost came to actual BLOWS during a strategy session last week. Did the strategy involve MMA fighting?
The two consultants, Jeff Roe and Scott Wagner, got into a "heated argument" while board members and senior staff were present for some sort of budget meeting.
Sources say the following exchange occurred:
Roe told Wagner: “You have a stick up your a--, Scott.”
Wagner responded: "Why don’t you come over here and get it?”
Wagner rose from his chair and was "restrained" by two board members.''
Totally normal and grown up stuff from a thriving and successful campaign, right?
Reports are that this is nothing new in a long running turf war between Never Back Down and DeSantis' inner circle over who is really responsible for Ron's lack of ability to....launch. At all.
The groups are stunned to see Nikki Haley overtake DeSantis' in recent polling, surging well past him in key states. Maybe he needs better heels. The strategy meeting last week was supposed to focus on how to "create momentum" in the polls.
DeSantis fading out in a circular firing squad is oddly appropriate. Not only has he shot himself in the foot repeatedly, with his silly squabbles with Disney and his stupid "Don't Say Gay" law, but he has clearly surrounded himself with a clown car of morons.
Keep up the good work, guys!