Russian General Blows Himself Up In Russian Minefield

Major-General Vladimir Zavadsky died "as a result of a mine explosion in the rear area, and not a military clash with the enemy on the frontline" read the strange unofficial report on Telegram.

Apparently, Russian forces laid a minefield recently to try and stop Ukrainian forces from employing reconnaissance forces who have the nasty and frequent habit of liquidating Russians in the middle of the night. They neglected to record that fact and relay the information up the chain of command, however, so when General Zavadsky paid a visit to the frontline he was blown up.

At least five other high-ranking officers were killed in a Ukrainian air strike earlier in Kherson Oblast in what has not been a great week for the Russian army. But then none of them are these days.

Source: Daily Mail

A Putin army general has been 'killed by an exploding Russian mine', according to reports.

Major-General Vladimir Zavadsky, 45, was deputy commander of Russia's 14th Army Corps.

He perished 'as a result of a mine explosion in the rear area, and not a military clash with the enemy' on the frontline, reported Telegram channel VChK-OGPU.

The report states that the incident occurred during a 'senseless' redeployment of his group away from the frontline,

The channel alleged the Russian armed forces were making an attempt to cover-up the circumstances of his death and blame it on a Ukrainian artillery strike.

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