Russian Widows Told To Go To Ukraine And Dig Up Their Husbands

Nadezhda Kharichkina was told to come to Olshany [on the frontline] and "dig up your husband…" if she wants compensation.

Russia has a simple system in place for paying compensation to widows and families left behind for dead soldiers: they won't pay anything without a body. That creates a problem getting the compensation ($5 mil rubles, about $50,000) promised by President Putin. And Russia will also charge for bringing bodies back to Mother Russia (upwards of $1500 for locations in the far east of Russia).

The story below is of a woman, Nadezhda Kharichkina, whose husband went missing months ago and is presumed dead. Presumably, the mother of five could use the compensation but has so far not received a single ruble.

The video above is of another widow who recently received a new refrigerator as compensation for her husband. He died in 2014 after they invaded the Donbas region of Ukraine. Better late than never, right?

Source: The Mirror

Russian war widows are being told to travel to invaded Ukraine if they want to retrieve the bodies of their husbands killed fighting for Vladimir Putin.

Commanders are telling distraught women that they must themselves find the corpses of their fallen men on the battlefield and “dig them up” from makeshift graves.

Nadezhda Kharichkina, 40, wife of Russian soldier Igor Kharichkin, 43, was bluntly told by his commanding officer to travel from Kaluga region to blood-stained Kharkiv region in Ukraine to collect the father-of-five’s remains.

The distraught woman has been trying to retrieve his body for two months, even though the Russian army has failed to officially confirm that he was slain in battle.

Her husband's commander told me - come to Olshany [on the frontline] and "dig up your husband…" She is believed to have been referring to the Russian-occupied Kharkiv region.

Anton Gerashenko with the translation for the Russian news report.

And the widow who was told to dig up her husband.

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