Trump Goes 'Off Teleprompter' Then Things Go Terribly Wrong

Speaking to a crowd in Claremont, New Hampshire, former President Donald Trump once again seemed confused by who the current President of the U.S. is.

Speaking to a crowd in Claremont, New Hampshire, former President Donald Trump once again seemed confused by who the current President of the U.S. is- also his opponent since he will likely secure the GOP nomination. Trump said he was "going off teleprompter," and then things got even worse.

But before that, Trump, who previously misdentified Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán as the 'leader of Turkey," told his crowd of lint-licking supporters that the Hungarian leader had pushed for former President Barack Obama's resignation just a few weeks ago.

Trump described Orbán as "very powerful" and added that they were interviewing him [Orbán] two weeks ago, and they said, 'What would you advise President Obama? The whole world seems to be exploding and imploding?' And he said, 'It's very simple. He should immediately resign, and they should replace him with President Trump, who kept the world safe.'"

For our Trump-supporting readers: The current President is Joe Biden. Biden's predecessor is Bloaty McBatshit. Barack Obama is the President who lives in Trump's mind 24/7. You're welcome!

But sure, do go off about President Biden's mental acuity while Trump is one week away from walking around with a drool cup.

The H/T goes to Meatball:

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