Charlie Kirk Gives Away The Game: No More LEGAL Immigration

Charlie Kirk says, “We have way too many legal immigrants coming into this country." The Right doesn't care about fixing immigration - they want no brown people in "their" America.

It's always kind of surprising when a winger comes right out and says what we all suspected.

The Right doesn't care about fixing immigration - they want no brown people in "their" America.

And here is Charlie Kirk, going after LEGAL immigration.

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): There is a lie that is told repeatedly that we are a nation of immigrants. We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of settlers that had children. We allowed immigrants into this country at certain periods of time, if they spoke the language. You want to know something based? Blake, find this. Find the criteria from Ellis Island. You know we always have this big Ellis Island thing, “oh you know, well this –” Oh yeah? They said that if you are infirmed, diseased, don’t love the country, do not come into this country. I’ll get the exact criteria. It’s so unbelievable that if you would say that today, the ACLU would sue you and some judge in Guam would overturn you. The criteria that even during this time, “Oh, we’re a nation of immigrants.” Oh really? You’ve got to learn the language. You have to love the country.

And by the way, I want to make – I want to be very clear. I’m not just talking about illegal immigration, we have way too many legal immigrants coming into this country, too. 1.5 to 1.6 million legal people coming...

And then Charlie turns on the bigot spigot:

Ilhan Omar came in legally and she hates the country. She’s a sleeper cell infiltrator of the United States representing Congress. She hates the country. She hates the west. She should be deported back to where she came from, Somalia. Go run for City Council in Mogadishu. The country is not enriched by people like Ilhan Omar. The country is not enriched by having millions of illegals coming across the border.

But it turns out Charlie doesn't just hate immigrants. CERTAIN native-born Americans have gotta go, too!

Our own native-born Americans hate the country... When I talk to foreigners, far too often, they hate this country, they’re just here to make money.

Why are YOU here, Charlie? Your potato famine refugee ancestors shoulda been kicked out by truly native Americans, if you ask me.

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