Go Home, Comer. You're Drunk.

Comer is already a contender for the 2024 Lie of the Year

Representative James Comer must have been hitting the leftover Christmas spirits pretty hard before going on air for this interview on Newsmax because no sober person could have said the shit that he said and kept a straight face:

I told my colleagues in the Republican conference, if Hunter Biden doesn't comply with our subpoena, then we might as well throw the subpoena power away, because no one is going to comply with a congressional subpoena. And the fact that the Democrats used their subpoena power for political reasons, for fishing expeditions, and here we have a credible investigation where we have been transparent with the American people. We have mountains of evidence.

If I recall correctly, Hunter Biden did offer to come in and provide sworn testimony, but wanted to do it out in the open. Yet the "transparent" Republicans are apparently afraid of the light of day and have refused to let him testify.

Again, if I remember correctly, there are plenty of Republicans, like Combover's pal, Gym Jordan, who have yet to comply with the subpoenas they have received some three years ago.

And lastly, it sure seems to me that the investigations that the Democrats held has led to actual criminal charges against TFG and associates, whereas the only thing the Republican held investigations have led to thus far is lots of opportunities - like this one - for people to point at them and laugh.

Although, to be fair, maybe Comer is just going for the Liar of the Year award, which should be announced in a few days at the Burlington Liars Club (no affiliation with Crooks and Liars....yet.).

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