GOP Has No Excuses For Trump's 'Poisoning The Blood' Remark

For example, this Republican Congresswoman has a hashtag fail.

Just after Donald Trump used the fascist term "vermin," the former President told a crowd in New Hampshire that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country." He's telling us who he is, but Republicans aren't listening. Most people would be disgusted by anyone who invoked Hitler's incendiary and dangerous words, but Trump supporters continue to give their guy a pass. On an aside, Elise Stefanik seems to have remained quiet on this issue.

Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis probably should have stayed silent during her interview with CNN's Abby Phillip.

"Look, I'll start off by simply asking, is Trump right that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country?" Phillip asked.

Here's the part where once again, another Republican covers for their guy by saying that he didn't mean what he said. He meant something else entirely.

"Well, I don't think that's what he was saying," she insisted. "When he said they are poisoning, I think he was talking about the Democratic policies. I think he was talking about the open border policy. And if you look at what my mayor, our mayor here in New York City, is saying, that this migrant crisis is destroying New York City, I think it's pretty much the same thing."

"What we're trying to say here is that we need to have secure borders," she continued. "You know what's actually poisoning America is the amount of fentanyl that's coming over our open border. And so this is a really serious issue. And I think that that's what he's talking about, that the open borders are unsafe, that it's unsustainable, and it's bankrupting cities like ours, and we need to address it."

"Congresswoman, you're saying that's what you think he's saying, but he was pretty clear," Phillip said. "He was saying that the immigrants who are coming in, he says they're poisoning the blood of the nation. He says that they're doing it."

"He never said immigrants are poisoning, though," Malliotakis falsely said.

"He's talking about people coming across the border and..." Phillip explained to the painfully stupid woman.

"I honestly think he was being..." the Republican lawmaker said.

"We just played it," Phillip shot back.

"Yes, and he said he didn't say the words, immigrants," she said. "I think he was talking about the Democratic policies."

"He was talking about people," the CNN host said.

"Okay. Well, look, I know that some are trying to make it seem like President Trump is anti-immigrant," Malliotakis said while somehow not bursting into flames. "The reality is he was married to immigrants, he's hired immigrants. I mean, he's not -- it's --"

"He was talking about people coming across the border," Phillip said. "He was saying that they were bringing crime; they were bringing violence with them."

"But that's true," the Congresswoman said. "They..."

"So, will you agree then that he's talking about immigrants?" Phillip asked.

"Well, no," she said. "But the thing is that our open border is unsafe and unsustainable. We know that the drug cartels are bringing in and setting up operations, selling fentanyl and other drugs to the point where over 100,000 Americans have died. We know that there is crime taking place."

Republicans have been doing this for years. Trump says an awful thing, so they try to tell us what he really meant. He's a 77-year-old man, and if he needs a chorus of cheerleaders to constantly clarify what he meant to say, then perhaps his mental acuity should be questioned. Not Biden's.

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