Ingraham Offers A Very Strange Take On Trump's Hitleresque Rhetoric

How totally unsurprising.

Everyone has to be good at something. With Fox News's Laura Ingraham, it's her projection skills that were working at an IMAX level when she saw a conspiracy theory in people's reaction to Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP frontrunner, parroting Adolph Hitler.

It's alarming that the twice-impeached one-term President is invoking the genocidal fuhrer, but a lot of the folks on the right want to brush it off as if it's nothing. Hey, it's just Trump being Trump. He gets a pass for anything.

"Now at this point, given what we're seeing in the courts, at the DOJ, and even in state AG offices, and given Democrats' Trump is Hitler rhetoric, is it not logical at least to consider, maybe even to assume, that some on the left are hoping to spark some type of civil unrest here?" Ingraham said.

"Which would be followed, of course, by a mass crackdown on civil liberties or the declaration of maybe a nationwide emergency," she added. "All as a way, a protectual way, to usher in, I don't know, nationwide mail-in voting."

Welll, first of all, our liberties were under attack when conservatives overturned Roe. And everything that Laura said is what MAGA Republicans are hoping for. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. That started on Jan. 6, 2021, when Trump supporters couldn't handle the fact that their orange pissdaddy lost the election, so they decided to burn it all down. Some of them still have "1776" on their social media profiles.

And she's suggesting that Democrats will cheat in 2024. That lie is what led to Jan. 6, and Ingraham knows that. Ah, but I guess ratings are more important. I have an idea: How about next time, Republicans choose a man who doesn't emulate Adolph fucking Hitler, mmkay?

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