Jake Tapper Ridicules, Laughs At James Comer's Absurdities

During an interview, Jake Tapper couldn't help but mock and laugh at James Comer's ridiculous statements.

CNN's Jake Tapper had Representative and conspiracy theorist James Comer on for an interview. It didn't take long for it to go downhill fast.

Tapper asked Comer why he compared Comer to the proverbial dog who caught the bus and asked why in the world he wouldn't take Biden Hunter's offer to testify in a hearing open to the public.

Comer replied, "This isn't about politics" to which Tapper openly laughed at Comer. Comer blamed the media for wanting a big show and that his job was to find the truth. Comer never explained why he couldn't find the truth in public as opposed behind closed door.

Comer then spent some time rehashing the already debunked allegations when Comer hit his second doozy in as many minutes:

JC: We just think this is the tip of the iceberg. We think there are many more crimes. My concern is that Weiss might have indicted him to protect him from being deposed.

JT:: Ah, yes! Yes!! He indicted him to protect him. Yes. It's the classic Rubric. He indicted him to protect him. I got it.

JC: This whole thing is about a cover up.

JT: That's why he indicted him? Was to protect him? To cover it up?

JC: Well, you indict him on the least little things. The gun charge and not paying taxes...

JT: He's facing like 17 additional years in prison.. These are felonies.

It should be noted that not once did Comer offer up any piece of evidence to support his wild accusations and allegations.

And when you have Jake Tapper mocking you and laughing at you, you know you're not serious people.

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