Ron Johnson Left Stammering After Fake Elector Question

Ron Johnson was left sputtering when grilled by CNN's Kaitlan Collins

When the ten Wisconsin fake electors admitted to their role in an attempt to overturn the 2020 elections, one of the fake electors has left Wisconsin Republicans in a real bind. Robert Spindell is not only one of the fake electors but he is also a board member of the Wisconsin Election Commission. Many of the state Democrats have called for Spindell to resign or to be fired by Republican Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu to fire him.

When Senator Ron Johnson appeared on CNN with Katlan Collins, she asked him about it and left him stammering like a fool when he said that Democrats have done the same thing in many states:

COLLINS: They certainly did, Senator. I mean there were multiple slates of fake electors, including in your home state. They’re acknowledging that they were playing a role in trying to improperly overturn the election. That’s what they said.

JOHNSON: They got themselves out of a nuisance lawsuit. They agreed to get– to settle a nuisance lawsuit that never should have been brought.

COLLINS: So, you think it’s fine that someone–

JOHNSON: Travesty of justice.

COLLINS: You think it’s fine that someone who tried to overturn a legitimate election is still on a board that certifies–

JOHNSON: Democrat electors have done that repeatedly. Democrats have done–

COLLINS: Which one? In Wisconsin, there’s been fake slates of electors?

JOHNSON: No, it’s happening in different states.

COLLINS: Which ones, sir?

JOHNSON: I didn’t come prepared to give you the exact states, but it’s happened repeatedly. It has happened repeatedly. Just go check the books.

COLLINS: Which books?

JOHNSON: I mean, the have been alternate slates of electors by democrat electors in our history. Again, you didn’t– this wasn’t what this interview was gonna be about. I’ll come in, I’ll provide you the information, but I’m absolutely certain about that.

COLLINS: Ok, I look forward too. I look forward to your office sending that information. We’ll publish it if it’s

JOHNSON: We’ll do that.

Hours later, RoJo had his staff go on Xitter and put out this piece of Xit:

Note that only one had to actually do with alternative electors and even then, it was an agreed upon solution while a recount was being done. Not exactly the same thing as trying to overturn an election on a Big Lie.

It is understandable why RoJo might be shook about that line of questioning, given his involvement with the scheme, including being a mule for some of the slates of fake electors. That said, it should be noted that RoJo isn't the only one circling the wagons around the fake electors, especially Spindell. LeMahieu has also come out with a bullshit spin on things in order to protect Spindell:

Republican Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu said in a statement that his appointee Bob Spindell and the other fake electors had invoked a "failed legal strategy" and "not a sinister plot to overturn an election." For that reason, LeMahieu said he will not rescind his appointment of Spindell to the nonpartisan elections commission.

Keep in mind that LeMahieu is also the one that tried to fire Meagan Wolfe, the elections commision administrator based on nothing but the big lie and despite a court ruling saying that they couldn't fire her.

Ironically, all in the name of election integrity. No, really.

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