UPDATED: Rudy Leaves Defamation Trial, Immediately Defames Them Again

I guess he wants to die broke and alone.

Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea "Shaye" Moss, went to court today to seek up to $43 million for the false claims of fraud that Rudy Giuliani levied against him. The hearing today would help to determine the amount owed to the two.

Giuliani was found liable for defaming Moss and Freeman with baseless claims that they committed fraud in the 2020 election. Of course, he defamed them again to reporters outside of the courtroom. No one has ever accused Rudy of being smart.

"Whatever happened to them, which is, it's unfortunate if other people overreact, but everything I said about them is true," Rudy insisted.

"Do you regret what you did to...," a reporter asked.

"Of course, I don't regret it," Giuliani said. "I told the truth. They were engaged in changing votes.

"There's no proof of that," the reporters said.

"Oh, you're damn right there is," Rudy said while digging his own grave.

Does Giuliani not know "what happened to them"? Well, one of the attorneys, Michael Gottlieb, told the jurors that his clients were the recipients of an "overwhelming" amount of "vile, racist, hateful comments" that were "fueled" by Giuliani and his co-conspirators.

Gottlieb added that for a staggering number of Americans, their names have falsely become synonymous with crime and fraud. Giuliani, with others, destroyed their lives. Life, as they once knew it, was gone.

Via NBC News:

Giuliani attorney Joseph Sibley told jurors there's no question that Freeman and Moss were harmed and that they're "good people," but he added that the "punishment must match the crime." He said Giuliani never promoted racism or violence and that the millions of dollars Freeman and Moss are seeking would be the "civil equivalent of the death penalty."

"It would be the end of Mr. Giuliani," Sibley added.

So be it. It should also be the end of Trump, but it's 2023, and nothing matters anymore. Hopefully, that will change. Save that thought. Let's hope that Rudy is in the "found out" stage of his fucking around.

UPDATE: Judge Beryl Howell is not at all pleased, especially since Rudy's lawyer gave a contrite argument for why he shouldn't be bankrupt and suggested maybe there were delicate health issues at play.

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