TPUSA Speaker Suggests Women Don't 'Need' The Vote

Oh, really?

Jason Whitlock is being VERY selective about what he "remembers" about the 1800's and before in America.

Speaking at this week's Turning Point USA conference, Jason, who works for Glenn Beck's "The Blaze," spouted off some opinions about women, but didn't mention cough-cough-cough the Black experience, of which one might think he would have more personal experience.

JASON WHITLOCK: They have recreated this history that oh God, it was all just sexism, and we didn’t have the right to vote until Susan B. Anthony and the women’s suffrage movement and I will defend life before suffrage. Because a vote used to represent the family. When we were a culture that really valued family and really understood the natural order that God intended, man serving God, woman following man who serves God, man and woman developing and nurturing children.

You only needed one vote per household because that vote was about the entire family as they have destroyed our family structure and made this all an individual pursuit. Not everybody has to have a vote and everybody has to have an agenda that a lot of times has nothing to do with family.

He also said a lot of gobbledy gook about women being thrilled to carry life in their womb. How 'bout slave women raped by their masters and their children sold to another master away from them?

And is it perfectly okay with you, Jason Whitlock, that the masters voted on behalf of all his slaves as well as his wife? You know, a "household"?

Bet you got a nice big speakers' fee to FORGET ALL THAT, didn't you, Jason?

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