Charlie Kirk Unloads On MAGA Mike Johnson Over Spending Negotiations
He's not very happy. Bummer.
From the looks of it, Turning Point USA's Charlie KIrk is not a fan of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Is he not MAGA enough? Is he too MAGA? Kirk had harsh words for "coward" and "fraud" Rep. Johnson over the spending negotiations. I'm going to go out on a limb to suggest Kirk would like to see the federal government shut down. We already know what Donald Trump wants to happen. Of course, Kirk is mad that a shutdown will be averted. MAGA doesn't fix things. MAGA only knows how to break things.
"It's this elitist garbage," Kirk said. "Oh, we're doing a laddered CR and this add-on amendment process."
"I guess, cut the crap, man," he continued. "Okay? I've been around for 11 years. I've met many politicians. I know a fraud when I see one."
"Cut it out," Kirk said. "You couldn't broker a deal. You start shaking like a leaf when you get into a room with Chuck Schumer."
"Yes, sir. Yes, sir," he continued. Whatever they want, they get. They're all praising this deal."
"And then you come out, and you're like, well, maybe just let me take a little victory in the press conference about adding amendments and laddered CRs," he added. "Enough. Okay?"
I hope that makes him feel better. No, actually, I don't care how he feels.