Colorado Experts Label Lauren Boebert 'A Loser' For District Flip

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was blasted by Colorado political strategists of both parties after she announced she would run in the state's 4th Congressional District instead of the 3rd Congressional District.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was blasted by Colorado political strategists of both parties after she announced she would run in the state's 4th Congressional District instead of the 3rd Congressional District.

During a Sunday broadcast on Denver's KWGN, Democratic strategist Alvina Vasquez said Boebert made a mistake by moving to a district while having a home elsewhere.

"Definitely not a smart move," Vasquez said on KWGN's Point of View program. "I don't think she's going to be a front-runner."

"I think it's probably offensive to the district to have somebody kind of swoop in and say, I'll represent you now, considering she didn't do much for the district she was in," she continued. "I feel like she's coming in as a loser because she's kind of giving up her district."

Vasquez said it appeared that Boebert was not committed to her constituents.

Republican strategist Jake Zambrano was also skeptical of Boebert's future in the 4th Congressional District.

"She so much as admitted in that video you previewed there, she couldn't win the third," Zambrano said. "So at that point, she made a decision politically to where else can I go to stay a member of Congress? And to me, that reflects her district shopping more to be able to stay a part of what she determined to be the swamp."

"She's now so infatuated with said swamp that she's going to go 250 miles from her home to another district of which she's never lived in to try to be a member of Congress to represent that swamp," he added. "And I just think that's just bad taste."

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