Coward Wayne LaPierre Resigns Just Days Before Corruption Trial Begins

I wonder how many Russian rubles LaPierre will walk away with.

Wayne LaPierre will leave the spotlight as he entered it—a coward. LaPierre resigned as leader of the National Rifle Association on Friday after spending over thirty years at the helm of the unwavering and unempathetic gun group that is steeped in corruption. Of course, LaPierre is doing this just days before his civil trial in New York. LaPierre was never known for being a brave man.

"On behalf of the NRA Board of Directors, I thank Wayne LaPierre for his service. Wayne has done as much to protect Second Amendment freedom as anyone,"
NRA President Charles Cotton said according to the press release. "Wayne is a towering figure in the fight for constitutional freedom, but one of his other talents is equally important: he built an organization that is bigger than him. Under the direction of Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA will continue to thrive – with a renewed energy in our business operations and grassroots advocacy. Our future is bright and secure."

LaPierre will still have to answer for illegally diverting tens of millions of dollars and spending organization funds on lavish personal trips and other questionable expenditures.

NPR reported in 2019:

The disclosures prompted board member Allen West to speak out. On Tuesday he announced that he had previously called for LaPierre's resignation and argued that "it is imperative that the NRA cleans its own house." A second NRA board member followed suit on his Facebook page by writing, "it is time for new management."

These developments, combined with a cascade of stories about other incidents of runaway spending at the gun rights organization, especially rankled former rank-and-file NRA employees.

This "towering figure" of a man was MIA after every school shooting. The NRA's Twitter account would go silent, too. Dead children mean nothing to the NRA. Kids were just collateral damage to their mission. I wonder how many Russian rubles LaPierre will walk away with? What a cowardly man who stood for nothing except for greed. He certainly never cared about this country, as the body count increased with each year since the Columbine massacre and so many others.

Fuck you, LaPierre. We hope NY Attorney General Letitia James destroys what's left of you — piece of rancid shit. I hope he suffers from nightmares, hearing the screams of dying children in his sleep each night.

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