GOPer's Only Regret After The Election Was Misspelling 'Marshall Law'

This is not normal.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) told CNN's Kaitlan Collins of his only regret with the 2021 text message he sent to Donald Trump's former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, calling for "Marshall Law." Norman said he regrets misspelling Martial Law. That's it. That's his one regret. And the kicker is that the South Carolina Republican has endorsed Nikki Haley, not Donald Trump. If you recall, when Obama was President, Republicans, for no reason whatsoever, were afraid that our country's first Black President would call for Martial Law to take everyone's guns. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Norman was clear that he had no remorse for his actions.

"One thing that you have said on the campaign trail for Nikki Haley repeatedly when questioned about what is her path to victory is you talk about the voters, and you say the voters should be the ones to decide," Collins said. "Obviously, everyone agrees with that. But when you talk about what the voters decide, I have to ask you, because you and I have never spoken before in an interview about a text message that you sent to Mark Meadows."

"It was three days before President Biden was inaugurated," Collins continued. "And you were urging the White House to use the U.S. military to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Do you regret sending that message?"

"The only thing I regret is I misspelled martial law," Norman said. "I misspelled that. No, I didn't. I didn't. Look, everything happened so quick in that election. The time that was given to see if the ballots were real, see if you've seen 2000 Mules. Most people have. There's a lot of questions."

"That was created by a guy that Trump pardoned," shot back.

"Created by who?" Norman asked.

"Wasn't that created by a guy that Trump pardoned?" Collins said. "I mean, the point of it is that movie is not based in reality. There is no election fraud. And there are courts have proven that Republican judges that were appointed by Republican presidents have noted that. I mean, there was no elect. There was no evidence of that by the time January 17th rolled around, Congressman."

"Well, there were questions, as you know, there were questions throughout the election process," Norman insisted. "What happened in Georgia was unusual. What happened in Arizona was unusual. Look, I talked to the Congress people that serve those particular states."

"But no, I don't regret that at all," he continued. "And it's still questions that linger today.

"We are approaching another election," Collins said. "And when you talk to Republican voters and CNN exit polls, half of them don't believe that Joe Biden legitimately won the election, which he did, and calling for martial law because you have questions about the election. I think most people would agree is subverting the will of voters that you often talk about that are so important."

"Now, look, to keep this system honest, photo voter I.D., which the Democrats tried to circumvent," Norman said. "They're trying to circumvent that. What they're doing with illegal aliens, with the vote—getting them registered to vote is not right. That's what I'm talking about."

"What does that have -- that's you calling for martial law, congressman," Collins said.

"Look, I texted Mark Meadows," Norman said. "That's the only person. He didn't have the power. I asked him Donald Trump."

"He was the chief of staff at The White House," Collins explained.

Later in the interview, Norman doubled down on stupid.

"But no, I wouldn't take it back," he said. "I misspelled it. I should have taken the time. I was in a hurry. And but no, I would not. I don't regret that."

The back and forth in that interview is striking. Norman has no regret after siding with the insurrectionists that launched an attempted coup. I've watched that clip several times, and I just don't get it. There were two sides: America, and those that tried to overturn a legitimate election. Norman and others sided with the people who were against America. It's incredible. They don't have a conscience.

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