Ron Johnson: Beware Iranian Sleeper Cells From Mexico!

Watch Out America! It's like Ron Johnson is combining all the Republican bogeymen into one giant, monster bogeyman.

Senator Ron Johnson has been busy concocting new conspiracy theories by combining old bogeymen into one giant one. During an interview on Fox, he was lamenting how "lax" President Joe Biden was regarding the southern border, even though it was RoJo himself that was preventing a deal on the border from happening.. But then, RoJo threw in a real twist:

We have six million people entering this country. since the Biden administration started. Almost two million, as I would call them, unknown gotaways. They're detected. We know they're in this country. We have no idea who these people are or where they are. Is that what is restraining President Biden? He may think that there may be sleeper cells, If he really attacks Iran, they may activate those sleeper cells? Who knows? But again, it's all because of the Biden and the Democrat weakness from their governance. This has to end. Elections matter. We need to win big in 2024 to reverse this.

To summarize, Biden is weak because he won't attack Iran. He won't attack Iran because there are Iranian sleeper cells in this country. There are Iranian sleeper cells in this country because of Biden's open border policy. Biden has an open border policy because he is weak.

Just for garnishment, he then later tried to justify his delaying of a border deal by saying it's too late for a deal and that it would take a strong leader to take drastic measures. The only thing he missed was that the immigrants were poisoning our veins. What's also not said is whether he thinks it's too late for a deal because he was the one who delayed it in the first place.

That all said, RoJo really deserves some credit. Even though his role in the fake elector scheme is looming larger with almost every passing day, he can still go out there and pitch his party's snake oil sales pitch like an old pro. But then again, he should be good at it. He's been lying to the people for 15 years now.

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