New Trumper Video Claims 'God Made Trump'

Acosta said it was “part of the playbook” for Trump, whose hours of daily so-called “executive time” during his presidency reportedly consisted of him watching television and tweeting

CNN's Jim Acosta aired a clip yesterday which claimed the former president and Republican 2024 front-runner is “an instrument of God.” Via HuffPost:

In said video, the narrator claimed:

And on June 14th, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.’ So God gave us Trump. God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay past midnight and a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.

This video is a Trump Fan video, but it was shared by Trump on Truth Social and thus is now part of the official Trump messaging.

Evangelical Christians’ apparent belief that Trump is “the person who can deliver and restore America to what they believe it ought to be” despite him being “not so God-like in his behaviors” was the focus of Tim Alberta’s book “The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory: American Evangelicals In An Age Of Extremism,” noted Finney.

Acosta said it was “part of the playbook” for Trump, whose hours of daily so-called “executive time” during his presidency reportedly consisted of him watching television and tweeting.


God never did, and neither did Paul Harvey, who wrote the original speech, which was grabbed in 2013 for a GM Super Bowl ad. It's just another naked play for the white nationalist cult who call themselves Christians.

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