Trump Confesses He Took Payments From Foreign Governments While In Office

He keeps admitting to more crimes, but it never seems to matter.

Even though the Fox town hall in Iowa meant to counter-program the equally ridiculous CNN Republican presidential debate between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis was nothing but the moderators lobbing one softball after another to Trump, it still turned out to be a complete debacle in more ways than one.

The Biden team is going to be playing Trump's comments taking credit for overturning Roe in a loop from now until the election, and in addition to that, Trump also admitted to violating the Constitution's foreign emoluments clause, and told Fox's Bret Baier that it was perfectly all right since he was "doing services" for them. The only people he was supposed to "serve" at that time were Americans. Not foreign governments.

Former President Donald Trump defended his businesses accepting payments from foreign governments during a Fox News town hall on Wednesday. The comments came in response to a Jan. 4 report from House Oversight Committee Democrats finding that the former president had received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments, including China and Saudi Arabia, and their controlled entities while in office.


Receiving those payments violated the Constitution, according to the lawmakers. "President Trump never sought or received Congress's approval to keep these foreign payments, as the Constitution requires," the report said. Trump, the current frontrunner for the GOP nomination, was indicted on a total of 91 criminal charges, including falsifying business records and election interference, across two state and two federal cases.

Here's the full exchange with Baier.

BAIER: Mr. President, before we wrap up this, you know there is this report by House Democrats documents that say nearly eight million dollars in payments to your businesses from foreign governments, China included, Saudi Arabia, while you were in office. They say Article 1 of Constitution says you can't accept money from foreign governments while president. Would you pledge the divest from the businesses in a second term as other presidents have done? That's what they were reporting.

TRUMP: I own hotels all over the place. I don't get free money. Somebody rents a hotel room, etc., etc., much money I gave back. I didn't have to do it. You know George Washington was a very rich man. Most people don’t know that. In his essentially White House, it wasn't built, but they had an office. He had a business desk and country desk right next to each other.

You are allowed to do that. I didn’t do it. I put everything in trust. If I have a hotel and somebody comes in from China, that is a small amount of money. It sounds like a lot of money, but it's so small. But I was doing services for them. People were staying in these massive hotels, in these beautiful hotels because I have the best hotels. I have the best clubs. I have the best clubs. I have great stuff. And they stayed there and paid. I don’t get eight million dollars for doing nothing like Hunter. I don’t get $500,000, I don’t get $500,000 for doing a painting. It is not a bad idea I guess if you can get away with it.

Baier asks if he's going to divest next time when he won't even admit he broke the law the first time. He knows no one is going to hold him accountable, so of course he'd do it again.

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