Some NH Dems Say They're Switching From Biden To... Nikki Haley?

Can a psychiatrist do a mass therapy session before the election, please and thank you.

Hi there, Happy Upside Down Day! In this episode, we show MSNBC anchor Katy Tur at a bowling alley allegedly talking to Democrats who claim that they "want someone other than Biden" to vote for so they'll switch their votes to Nikki Haley, who would cut their Social Security checks rather than tax the rich in a New York second. Let's face it: all of the GOP candidates would cut your grandma into a thousand pieces just because they hate your Meemaw.

President Joe Biden is once again getting a raw deal, which might be due to poor messaging. I don't know. I've never seen anything like this, and I'm so old I remember when they invented the wheel.

Regarding the poor messaging, If Trump brought in Biden's job numbers, he would be plastering "JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!" across social media for days. He would not stop bragging about it in between court appearances.

One woman claims to be "heavily left," even though she appears to be all in for Haley. Meanwhile, and I mention this for no reason, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is blaring in the background. The woman noted that Haley would be more open to negotiating with the Israel/Hamas sides, and I don't know what to do with that. For example, a very close conservative family member loves that Biden is pro-Israel. I do not understand where this woman is coming from unless she's pro-Hamas, and let's hope that isn't true. WHAT DO PEOPLE WANT? HOLY FCK.

"So, I heard that over and over again, not just from Mariah there, but other voters who said they have been voting Democrat their whole life. They switched their party affiliation and voted Republican," Tur said. "They are going to the primary next week, and they tell me that it's not just about next week. They do want somebody other than Biden on the ticket."

"That state is also pretty offended that Joe Biden took away their first vote status here and moved into South Carolina," she continued while I slowly pull my hair out. "They are super angry about that here in this state. And they want a change. They want to see something else. That being said, Nikki Haley is out of South Carolina; you've been talking about it all night; it doesn't have the clearest path. They described it more as a deer trail. But she is hoping she could be more like John McCain in 2008, finding some momentum in this fiercely independent state."

"Independent-minded voters are voters who just don't love Trump as much as we think they do in South Carolina, and beyond that, you can do it," she added as I applied ice to the new bald spot on my scalp. "The problem is that we just saw in Iowa that he is still so intensely popular with the core of the Republican party, the MAGA core of the party has just taken over so completely that it's hard to see what her path is. By the way, the name that I did not hear, not even once in this state while i was here, Ron DeSantis."

That's a more likely scenario, in my humble but always right opinion. Trump destroyed the Republican Party. It's all MAGA now, eating the remnants of whatever is left of the party's carcass.

Editor's Note (Frances Langum): There is obviously going to be pain, financial and emotional, in New Hampshire, from losing their first-in-the-nation primary status. The Democratic Party simply could not continue to start off their campaigns and initially filter their candidates through two all-white states with a grand total of ten electoral votes. It was not sustainable in the world of 2024 and beyond. And ma'am? Nikki Haley is going to make you wait until 70 for your Social Security benefits, and do nothing about your abortion rights.

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