'Deadbeat' Republican Called Out Over Hypocrisy With Student Debt

They do this all the time. Incredible.

Iowa Republican Rep. Ashley Hinson is against forgiving student debt, but the Internet is calling her out because her husband's company had a PPP loan of $143,043 forgiven. This hypocrisy isn't new for Hinson, who, in 2022, touted the Infrastructure bill she voted against.

"If you take out a loan, you pay it back," Hinson posted on X. "There's no such thing as "canceling" student loan debt."

Social media users pounced.

Name something Republicans have done for middle-class or poverty-stricken families in the last 40 years. More than 40 million individuals collectively owe more than $1.6 trillion in back-breaking student debt. But only a Congressperson should get a break, right?

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