Shocker: After Ending DEI Initiatives, High School Has Racism Issues
Wisconsin's Arrowhead High School students were circulating a racist social media post. School officials are baffled.
Wisconsin's Arrowhead High School is investigating a social media post which has been circulated by some of the students. The post contains a picture of some minority students who are circled in the image with a vulgar racist comment. The school addressed it on their Facebook page, apologizing for and condemning the post:
Last night, a highly inappropriate and truly disheartening social media post began to circulate among our students and community. The post displays a racist comment and circles, in the image, a group of minority students.
In no way is this acceptable, nor will racism in any way ever be tolerated at Arrowhead High School. As a school, we are conducting a full investigation and will respond appropriately.
This extremely poor decision and lack of understanding from a small group of students is not reflective of the greater student body and community. We also know that to change behavior and create understanding, we must use this as a learning experience. As we work through this situation with our students, we ask our parents and community to use this opportunity to engage in conversations with each other and your families. This event is not reflective of the community we want and these conversations have the greatest impact when they start in our homes.
Lastly, and most importantly, we sincerely apologize to those singled out and affected by this post. No person should ever be the target of ignorance or hatred in our world. Students are imperfect and must continue to be taught a greater understanding of how their words, thoughts, and actions impact others. Part of that understanding is that there will never be room for racism at Arrowhead High School.
The part about "...not being reflective of the student body and community." should be enough to cause anyone to have a spit take. Arrowhead High is in the middle of reddest part of the state and have a history of electing the most racist and most dreanged people they can find.
Furthermore, in the last few years, Arrowhead has gone out of their way to make sure that they are not inclusive in any way. The school has banned the use of safe space signs, they have banned rainbows - to the point of suspending a teacher for a day and then stealing her rainbow flag, and they have demanded that teachers and other staff misgender students.
Is it any wonder that all of a sudden racism and bigotry is becoming problematic? And where are all those concerned parents that say they know best? Why aren't they backing up the school on this? I think we know why the parents don't want their kids to learn about these sort of things now. It interferes with them making sure that their irrational fear and hate continues down generations.