How Long Before Fox Quits Inviting Border Patrol Union President As A Guest?

After Border Patrol Union president Brandon Judd pushed back at some of the lies over the bipartisan border bill that was released by negotiators this week several times on Fox, I've got to wonder how long it will take until he's banned from any more media appearances.

After Border Patrol Union president Brandon Judd pushed back at some of the lies over the bipartisan border bill that was released by negotiators this week several times on Fox, I've got to wonder how long it will take until he's banned from any more media appearances.

As we've already discussed here, Republicans worked for months trying to get a bipartisan border bill with just about everything Republicans wanted passed, only to have it tanked by the likes of Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell, who have not decided that it's much more important to get Donald Trump elected than it is to pass a law that does something about an issue they've been screeching about and pretending is a crisis for forever.

Despite the fact that he's a hard core MAGA supporter, the fact that Republicans are lying about what's in the border security bill and aren't willing to pass it was apparently too much for Judd, who not only fact checked Fox's Harris Faulkner this Tuesday, but also hit Republicans during an interview with Fox Business host Stuart Varney for voting against the bill for "political purposes."

Judd made an appearance on this Tuesday's The Faulker Focus, and as Raw Story reported, Faulkner got a dose of reality from Judd on how many migrants would actually be released into the US:

As Senate Republicans gear up to obstruct the bipartisan border bill that was released by negotiators this Sunday, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd appeared on Fox News this Tuesday and countered some misconceptions about the deal.


"What [the bill] would do is it would cap it to where we couldn't take any more than 5,000," he continued. "Now, this does not say that we're going to release 5,000 people into the United States, in fact, it's the exact opposite. It says we will hold single adults in custody. They will not be subject to release."

According to Judd, those aspects of the deal amount to a "huge deterrent" when it comes to illegal border crossings, adding that the "main magnet" for border crossings is the anticipation of being released "into the United States."

"Once you stop that magnet, you will stop a lot of people from coming," Judd said.

They don't want to hear that on Fox, where they're willing to carry water for Republicans no matter how large the inconsistencies or how blatant the hypocrisy.

I want to see how they square things now that they've tried to make an enemy out of the Border Patrol's union. Here's Laura Ingraham and Speaker Johnson mocking them for only being for the deal because it gets them a pay raise.

So now MAGA is against pay raises for the people patrolling the border. Got it.

Good luck with running on that during the next election, wingnuts.

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