Kayleigh McEnany Shocked Trump Ranks As Worst U.S. President

Oh, this poor punkin'.

MAGA world isn't taking the news that their hero, Donald Trump, ranked dead last among all US Presidents very well. Anyone outside of the cult isn't surprised, though. Trump was a guy who literally danced while Americans were dying. That never bothered his supporters. It annoyed the hell out of the rest of us, though.

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was shocked over the news, describing the experts as "Ivory Tower academia," even though Trump attended Wharton. And she called the historians elites while she worked for a guy who sh*ts in a golden toilet.

"A new ranking and I'm going to add, in my view, a highly questionable ranking of presidents, is turning heads after Biden came in higher than both Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan in his wildest dreams," the former White House liar said. "The survey was done by the Presidential Greatness Project, who claim to be the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics."

"They may be the foremost example of the disconnect between Ivory Tower academia and real people," she continued. "That aside, Abe Lincoln ranked first, OK, fair, then comes Obama at seventh, and Biden came in 14th, actually beating Ronald Reagan, who came in 16th, and Trump, dead last."

"Look, Lisa, where to begin?" she asked. "This is infuriating in so many ways. One hundred fifty-four respondents, they are the Ivory Tower elites who in no way represent the view of the American people."

"No, but it also goes to show you, though, how history can be written, and some of it can be built off a lie as well, but no, this list is bogus; everyone knows that Obama's not that high, he was a terrible president, but I think on this, this is just my thought bubbles, you don't want to know what goes on in here, it's a lot," co-host Lisa Boothe said.

Obama has consistently ranked as one of our country's best presidents, you weirdos. How about not propping up former reality show stars with zero political experience? Trump is facing 91 felonies.

Here's the kicker: Biden was credited by the experts for evicting Donald Trump from the Oval Office. That has to suck, right, Kayleigh? Trump supporters don't listen to experts anyway.

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