Rep Crockett: Everybody Knows What's Behind Ageist Attacks On Biden

It all makes sense now.

Texas Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett was on a podcast for the Meidas Touch Network and explained the ageist attacks against President Joe Biden. We all saw how Republicans lost their shit when we had our first Black President in office; well, imagine how they'd feel about a Black woman as President -- Kamala Harris. They're afraid she will ascend to power, and they can't have that.

"The only reason that MAGA can see a Black or a woman that is in power, let alone a Black woman, is if, for some reason, we were given a handout when the reality is that we have to work 10 times as hard as our white male counterparts to get anywhere in this life," the Texas Democrat explained.

She said that Trump got into power with his dubious history whereas a Black woman wouldn't stand a chance "because if that had been a Black woman that had the number of affairs, that had the number of marriages, that had the number of baby mamas that Trump had, then they would never be there."

"In fact, a Black woman being vice president is too much for them," she continued. "They want to pretend as if they are so concerned about Joe Biden's age because he's senile or he's a criminal mastermind, one of the two. So that concerns them."

"What their real concern is that there's a Black woman that is behind him," she said. "They are concerned that if he passes away, a Black woman will ascend to power. And let me tell you, she is a beyond capable Black woman and I will stand on that any day of the week because I personally have had the ability to interact with the vice president on more than one occasion."

"But more importantly than that, what most people don't know, and one of the first things that I told her when I was sworn in and I had an opportunity to meet her, was that she inspired me," she continued. "As a young Black lawyer, she was my first inspiration to run for my first elected office because she was elected as a prosecutor as the first Black woman out there in the Bay Area."

"And I saw this as a young Black lawyer," Crockett said. "She inspired me. I truly don't know that I would be in politics today, but for my initial inspiration, being her, and then followed by that of me also being inspired by Barack Obama. So yes, representation does matter."

"And there are those that don't want people like me to be exactly who I am every single day of the week, an educated, a passionate Black woman that is going to fight not only for Black folk, but I'm going to fight for people that historically have been disenfranchised, forgotten about, or just kicked while they were down."

She has a point.

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