Scott Jennings On Trump Mocking Haley's Deployed Husband: 'He's An Asshole'

GOP Advisor Scott Jennings ripped Trump for mocking Nikki Haley's deployed husband for not being on the campaign trail with her.

It's telling here that for Jennings the real crime here is not Trump being an asshole again (we've all known that for many years), but that Trump's attack on Nikki Haley is political ineptitude. Trump's remarks at a campaign rally might get his adoring MAGA crowd clapping like trained seals, but for anyone else listening it's just another unforced error. And because as much as Jennings is disgusted by Trump on a personal level, he'll still vote for him in November rather than Joe Biden or any other Democrat. No, the real crime for Jennings would be for Trump to lose to Joe Biden. Again.

Source: Raw Story

On Saturday Trump spoke of Major Mark Haley, stating: "Then she comes over to see me at Mar-a-Lago. ‘Sir, I will never run against you.’ She brought her husband. Where’s your husband? Oh, he’s away. He’s away. What happened to her husband? What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone! He knew. He knew."

With host Tapper noting that Haley's husband is serving a one-year tour of duty in Africa with the South Carolina National Guard, Jennings jumped right into the fray.

"Haley is not with his wife because he is serving his country in Africa, where they are fighting terrorism," Tapper prompted his guest.

"He's an asshole," Jennings shot back.

"You're talking about Trump, to be clear?" the CNN host interjected.

"Of course, it's priced into his candidacy. It will not be the first time he's been an asshole or the last time he'll be an asshole, that's what he is," Jennings exclaimed.

"And some people like it, people will slough it off. This is a tough political campaign. The man is serving the United States in uniform overseas and it's a below-the-belt shot, against someone who is not going to beat him for the nomination."

"Joe Biden is doing everything he can to hand this election to Donald Trump and his response is to go after a guy that is serving America, and saying, I would encourage Russia to invade our allies. The political ineptitude is alone enough to be upset about. But more than that, it's a dick move."

That last paragraph is what they call in poker a "tell." Jenning's inner GOP strategist taking over from faux-outraged tv pundit.

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