Ingraham Has Fit Over Pence Not Endorsing Man Who Wanted Him Hanged

This can't be real life.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham is spitting mad that Mike Pence told Fox News host Martha MacCallum that he will not endorse Donald Trump for the 2024 Presidential race between his former boss and President Joe Biden. Any normal person wouldn't even consider it since the orange aberration wanted his supporters to hang him on Jan. 6th, but these aren't regular times.

Ingraham and her guest conservative activist Ned Ryun were shocked by the news, according to Media Matters. Ryun called Pence loathsome for not throwing his support behind the man who wanted him dead.

"So you want another second term of Biden?" Ryun said. "I mean, Laura, that was loathsome for Mike Pence to say that, and honestly, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, every last Republican should be endorsing Trump."

"If you care about this country, if you care about the Constitution, our country cannot survive another four years of this administration," the weirdo insisted. "We are already on the brink, and the only man who is going to be the GOP nominee that can beat Joe Biden is Donald J. Trump. So get behind Trump; save the country."

Dude, what are you going to do, start a bloodbath?

"I don't know what he's talking about; Trump's not pushing for the policies that they governed on?" Ingraham remarked. "What is he talking about? I think makes my -- Pence should just go down to the border and start welcoming people in because he might as well do that and start working directly for Biden."

She carried that argument over to Xitter. Yeah, we don't like that milquetoast bigot, but we don't want him dead. What an absolute potato.

So, now they're going after Pence over his Christian faith. There is no line they won't cross to protect that narcissistic windbag. They're trying to rewrite history. We're "on the brink" of what? Biden creating more jobs than Lumpy could ever hope to do? Trump left office in disgrace with the worst numbers since Herbert Hoover. And since their biggest issue appears to be immigration, shouldn't they be pissed off at the guy who told Republicans to kill the bipartisan deal? Sit down, and take all of the chairs.

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