Rep. Tom Tiffany Projects Like An IMAX Cinema

Representative Tom Tiffany accuses Biden of being a swamp denizen and Robert Hur of being one of his royal guards.

During Tuesday's hearing, the Democrats systematically dismantled Robert Hur and his report. Rep.Ted Lieu rattled off question after question pointing out that Trump was the one committing crimes, but nothing came out against Biden. Reps Eric Swalwell and Jamie Raskin took turns blowing up Hur's accusation that Biden's cognitive skills were fading by using Hur's own words against him.

Then comes along Rep. Tom Tiffany (MAQA - Wisconsin) showing that either he really didn't have a clue about what was going on or was deep in Swamp Trump that he didn't care what was going on:

So I want to thank you for the work that you did as far as you could, but unfortunately you are part of the Praetorian Guard that guards the swamp out here in Washington DC, protecting the elites, and Joe Biden is part of that company of the elites.

So Tiffany must have missed all that testimony and evidence showing that Hur lied in his report over Biden's mental acuity. Or he is just that concerned about trying to distract from Trump's growing and self-inflicted legal troubles that he is willing to make a complete ass out of himself in the vain effort to do so. After all, Tiffany has continuously spread The Big Lie, voted against impeaching the Mango Moron and has repeatedly put Party over the country while he's been in office. Why should anyone expect anything else from a guy who has to have lobbyists write his bills for him?

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